Feather Workshops
Usually I host a three day workshop with workshops developing now on O'ahu, Mau'i, and Kaua'i. These workshops will be based on methods that I have developed over the years and have decided that now is the time to teach. This is a series of workshops which will be in three phases.
Phase 1: 'Ahu'ula This phase will be methods I have developed on the preparation and creation of the 'ahu'ula (Hawaiian feather cape). These methods will be taught in many different projects to better understand the composition of a feathered cape.
Phase 2: Mahiole This phase will be methods I have developed on the feathering of the mahiole (or Hawaiian feathered helmet). There will be a series of projects on these methods I have developed on the completion of a mahiole. Also, there "could" be a workshop offered during this phase on the actual making/building of the mahiole (basketry, weaving of the helmet) which will be taught by Lloyd Kumula'au Sing who I feel is the leader in his craft.
Phase 3: Hawaiian Kahili This phase will be methods on the preparation and building of a traditional Hawaiian kahili. This class will teach the making of kahili using all natural materials to complete. This workshop will be taught with many projects to better understand the building of the kahili.
TV/Movie Prop Leasing
Hawaiian Feathers was honored to produce props for the hit television medical drama series on NBC, Chicago Med. Hawaiian Feathers provided feather leis which was featured in the office of Dr. David Downey played by actor Gregg Henry. This can be seen in Season 1 Episode 11 OR you can watch a snippet of this on our VIDEOS page!
I have done commissioned work for various organizations, corporations and even private individuals. If you are interested in commissioned work, please go to the "Project Planner" page.

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